Sunday, September 2, 2012

KGP Telephone and Terry Fiero

Terry Fiero's group has been coming with us on the Chairman for quite a few years. Terry is retiring later this fall and we hope he will still come on the trip with the guys. This year Jon Balaski, Ryan Schmidt, and Bill Dougherty were the guides. 

Terry and I drove the Chairman II up the lake and we moored up at Hitchkock Bay North.  Terry and I went out and scouted up a few and came back to meet the rest of the crew for shore lunch. Ryan and Jon filleted the fish, Matt cooked them (expertly as usual) and I did up the potatoes and beans.

We all headed back out after lunch and fished different reefs and humps. Walleyes are starting to hit the jig and shiners along with the slow death technique that you have read recently on this blog. We had to work a little harder than we have been but we had plenty for lunch both days (takes a few walleyes to feed fifteen for lunch each day).

The group and never any laughter!
Terry Fiero